Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Fox in the penthouse Murdochstyle business news

Achievement cannot be awarded it must be earned. TV viewers recently got their first glimpse at business news Rupert Murdoch style. There were few surprises. At Fox he continued we don t get up every morning thinking business is bad. Yet one would be hard pressed to find any evidence that CNBC is peddling some brand of Marxism. CNBC investment advice shouter Jim Cramer recently declared the economy fantastic . very low inflation great employment and fantastic profits. And the stock market s telling me that. Hardly a line out of the Communist Manifesto. This strategy of bashing the competition should sound familiar. In Fox News Channel was launched as an attempt to counter a nonexistent liberal bias in the news media. Good luck finding any Jesus bashing in Time or Newsweek. The not so subtle partisan message was heard loud and clear on the right. Savage s bigotry proved too toxic for television while the others were mostly ratings failures. At CNN manag! ement has allowed Lou Dobbs to pursue a brand of immigrant bashing populism. to honor the finalists of the Seattle s Best Pet Pics contest. Local judges will choose the winners in each category and all attendees will go home with a gift bag. Visit NWsource to RSVP.


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