Friday, April 4, 2008

Chinas India Example Tibet Xinjiang May Not Be Assimilated Like Inner Mongolia Manchuria

Independent Indian Work Life of Dr Subroto Roy Introduction and SomeBiography Science Religion Art the Necessity of Freedom Books Public Lectures Essays Memoranda Memoirs Introduction and SomeBiography Philosophy of Economics On the Scope of Reason in Economic Inquiry Pricing Planning Politics A Study of Economic Distortions in India Rajiv Gandhi and the Origins of India s EconomicReform Three Memoranda to Rajiv Gandhi Science Religion Art the Necessity of Freedom A General Theory of Globalization Modern Terrorism Recent Articles China s India Example Tibet Xinjiang May Not Be Assimilated Like Inner Mongolia Manchuria American Politics Obama Clinton Contest Affects theWorld IrresponsibleGovernance India s Budget Process inTheory How to Budget Thrift Not Theft Needs to Guide Our PublicFinances Growth GovernmentDelusion A Note on the Indian PolicyProcess China s Secretly Built Road Through India s AksaiChin Pakistan s Kashmirobsession Anarchy inBengal Fifty years since my thir! d birthday on life anddeath Median Voter Model of India sElectorate Our Dismal Politics Will Independent India Survive Until Introduction and SomeBiography Lessons from the War there are distinct Tibetan Chinese and Indian points of view that need to be mutuallycomprehended Index of Names s Commonwealth China s Economy China s expansionism China s History China s military China s nationalism China s Politics China India Relations China Taiwan problem China Tibet problem Christianity Christopher Bliss Chumbi Valley Clausewitz Cold War Collapse of family life Common Law and Equity Communist China Communists Confederation Confucius Congress Cornell University Corpus Christi College Cambridge CPI M CR Das Cross Strait Relations Curzon Dabhol Enron fiasco Dalai Lama Darwin David Hume Democracy Deng Xiaoping DH Lawrence DMK Don Patinkin Dorjiev Dostoevsky Dwight D. Eisenhower Dynamic competition East Europe Economic Policy Economic quackery Economic Theory Economic Theory of Grow! th Economic Theory of Interest Economic Theory of Value Economics and Energy Economics of Exchange Rates Economics of Unemployment Einstein Elections EM Forster Embracery Enterprise and entrepeneurship Epistemology Theory of Knowledge Epistemology of Economics Espionage Ethics Etruscans European politics Existentialism FA Hayek Family Values Fascists Financial markets Financial Repression Forbes FR Leavis France Frank Hahn Fraud on the Court Freedom Germany Gilgit and Baltistan Girja Shankar Bajpai GK Gokhale Godhra and aftermath Gold standard Good and Evil Government of India Growth rates economic Gujarat Gulab Singh Harry Johnson Harvard University Hazel Atlas US Henry Kissinger Hillary Clinton Himalayas Hinduism Hitler Holocaust and its denial Immanuel Kant Imperialism India s Economic Reform India s Agriculture Food India s Army India s aviation India s Budget India s Capital Markets India s Caste Ethnic Problems India s Constitution India s Democracy India s Diplomacy India s Economic History India s Economy India s Electorate India s Ene! rgy India s Exports India s Families India s Foreign Exchange Reserves India s Foreign Policy India s Foreign Trade India s Health Medicine India s History India s Industry India s Judiciary India s Jurisprudence India s Labour Markets India s Land India s Lok Sabha India s Military Defence India s Monetary Fiscal Policy India s Nationalism India s Parliament India s Personality Cults India s Philosophy India s Politics India s Polity India s Presidency India s Public Finance India s Rajya Sabha India s Reserve Bank India s Space Programme India s State Finances India s Supreme Court India s Union State relations India China relations India Pakistan peace process India Tibet Border India United States business India US Nuclear Deal India USA interests India USA Merchandise Trade IndiaSeminar Yahoo Group Indira Gandhi Inner Mongolia Institute of Economic Affairs Interest group politics International Law International monetary econ International politics Internet Introduction! and Contents Iqbal Iran Iraq war Irving Fisher Islam Israel Jagadish Chandra Bose Jahangir Jainism James M Buchanan Jammu Kashmir Japan Javed Hashmi Jawaharlal Nehru JM Keynes John Lyon John McCain John Stuart Mill John Wisdom Johns Hopkins Nitze School Judaism Jurisprudence Just war Kanchenjunga Karakorum Pass Karl Georg Zinn Karl Popper Kenneth Arrow Knowledge and Scepticism Knut Wicksell Korea Kuomintang Kutusov Laddakh Lal Bahadur Shastri Law of marriage Leaf World Lech Walesa Letters of DH Lawrence Liberalism Libertarianism Life and death Literary Criticism Literature Liu Shaoqui London School of Economics Love Ludwig Wittgenstein Lytton MA Jinnah Macroeconomics Maharashtra Mamata Banerjee Manchu nad Mongol Tartars Manchuria Manmohan Singh Mao Zedhong Mao Zedong Margaret Thatcher Martin Buber Martin Kaempchen Martin Luther King Jr Masryk Mathematical Economics Maulana Azad Max Black Mayawati Median Voter Meghnad Desai Metaphysics Ontology Michio Morishima Microeconomics Mike Gravel Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev Milton Friedman Mind MK Ga! ndhi Monetary Theory Montesquieu Mountains and trekking Mujibur Rahman Mumbai Bombay Muslim and Hindu communalism Napoleon Nationalism Native Americans Natural Justice Nawaz Sharif NEFA Arunachal Nelson Mandela Nepal News Nikita Kruschev Nobel Prizes Nominalism and Realism Non Resident Indians Nuclear conflict Occidentalists Open and Closed Societies Orientalists Osama bin Laden Ottawa Pakistan s exports Pakistan s history Pakistan s Lal Masjid Pakistan s nuclear weapons Pakistan s politics Pakistan Balochistan Afghanistan Iran Palestine Pashtuns Patrick Geddes Patrick Minford PC Mahalanobis Pericles Perjury Bribery in US Federal Court Personality Cults Pervez Hoodbhoy Pervez Musharraf Peter Bauer Petroleum Philosophy Philosophy of Economics Phoenix by DH Lawrence Plato Political Economy Political Philosophy Politics Positive Normative Distinction Prayer Press and Media Probability Psychology Public Choice Public Finance Public property waste fraud QD Leavis Rabindranath Ta! gore Racism Radio Rajendra Prasad Rajiv Gandhi Ram Janambhoomi Ranjit Singh Reason Religion Renford Bambrough Richard Nixon Robert Nozick Rodin Roman Law Ron Paul Ronald Reagan Roy vs University of Hawaii Russia Saddam Salman Rushdie Scepticism and Dogmatism Science Science Religion Literature Sculpture Secular governance September attacks Sheikh Abdullah Shiv Sena Siddhartha Shankar Ray Sidney Alexander Sidney Hook Sigmund Freud Sikhs Sikkim Singur and Nandigram Sinkiang Sino Indian Border Socrates Sonia Gandhi Sonia Gandhi coterie Sri Lanka St Paul s Darjeeling Stalin State of Hawaii Stonewalling in politics Sudeten Germans Sukhamoy Chakravarty Sun Yatsen Sunnis and Shias Surendranath Roy Sydenham Taiwan TE Lawrence Technological progress Television Terence Hutchison The Statesman The Times London Theodore W Schultz Thomas Carlyle Thomas Sowell Tiananmen Square protests Tibet TN Srinivasan Tolstoy Transparency Trinamul Uighurs UN League of Nations Unconscious Mind University of Buckingham University of Chicago University of Hawaii UP US Agri! culture US China policy US Constitution US District Court District of Hawaii US Federal Law Jurisprudence US Foreign Policy Diplomacy Espionage US in World Trade US Military Doctrine US Presidential Election US protectionism US Republicans and Democrats US Supreme Court US Iran relations USA United States USA United States polity Vallabhbhai Patel Vietnam War Virgnia Tech Walter Bagehot War Wei Jingsheng Welfare Economics Will Hutton Winston Churchill Women World History World Trade and Payments Xinjiang Younghusband Zainulabidin Zhou Enlai Zionism China s India Example Tibet Xinjiang May Not Be Assimilated Like Inner Mongolia Manchuria March drsubrotoroy China s India Example Tibet Xinjiang May Not Be Assimilated Like Inner Mongolia And Manchuria by Subroto Roy First published in The Statesman Editorial Page Special Article March Zhang Qingli Tibet s current Communist Party boss reportedly said last year The Communist Party is like the pa! rent father and mother of the Tibetans. The Party is the real boddhisatva of the Tibetans. Before communism China s people followed three non theistic religious cultures Buddhism Confucianism and Taoism choosing whichever aspects of each they wished to see in their daily lives. Animosity towards the theism of Muslims and Christians predates the revolution. Count Witte Russia s top diplomatist in Czarist times reported the wild contempt towards Islam and wholly unprovoked insult of the Emir of Bokhara by Li Hung Chang Imperial China s eminent Ambassador to Moscow normally the epitome of civility and wisdom. In the slogan of the Boxer Revolts was Protect the country destroy the foreigner and catholic churches and European settlers and priests were specifically targeted. The Communists have not discriminated in repression of religious belief and practice monasteries mosques churches have all experienced desecration monks ulema clergymen all expected to subserve the Party and the State. Chinese nationalism For Chinese officials to speak of life an! d death struggle against the Dalai Lama sitting in Dharamsala is astounding if they are serious it signals a deep long term insecurity felt in Beijing. How can enormous wealthy strong China feel any existential threat at all from unarmed poor Tibetans riding on ponies Is an Israeli tank commander intimidated by stone throwing Palestinian boys How is it China even a China where the Party assumes it always knows best is psychologically defensive and unsure of itself at every turn The Chinese in their long history have not been a violent martial people disorganized and apolitical traders and agriculturists and highly civilised artisans and scholars more than fierce warriors fighting from horseback. Like Hindus they were far more numerous than their more aggressive warlike invading rulers. Before the th Century China was dominated by Manchu Tartars and Mongol Tartars from the Northeast and Northwest the Manchus forcing humiliation upon Chinese men by compelling shaved heads wit! h pigtails. Similar Tartar hordes ruled Russia for centuries and Stalin himself according to his biographer might have felt Russia buffered Europe from the Tartars. Chinese nationalism arose only in the th Century first under the Christian influence of Sun Yatsen and his brother in law Chiang Kaishek later under the atheism of Mao Zedong and his admiring friends most recently Deng Xiaoping and successors. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the slogan of the present Communist Party but a more realistic slogan of what Mao and friends came to represent in their last decades may be Chinese nationalism with socialist characteristics . Taiwan and to lesser extent Singapore and Hong Kong represent Chinese nationalism with capitalist characteristics . Western observers keen always to know the safety of their Chinese investments have focused on China s economics whether the regime is capitalist or socialist and to what extent Indians and other Asians may be keener to identify and indeed help the Chinese themselves to identify better the evolving! nature of Chinese nationalism and the healthy or unhealthy courses this may now take. Just as Czarist and Soviet Russia attempted Russification in Finland the Baltics Poland Ukraine etc. Imperial and Maoist China attempted Sinification in Manchuria and Inner Mongolia as well as Tibet and Xinjiang Sinkiang East Turkestan . Russification succeeded partially but backfired in general. Similarly Sinification succeeded naturally in Manchuria and without much difficulty in Inner Mongolia. But it has backfired and backfired very badly in Tibet and Xinjiang and may be expected to do so always. In India our soft state and indolent corrupt apparatus of political parties constitute nothing like the organized aggressive war machine that China has tried to make of its state apparatus and we have much more freedom of all sorts. India does not prohibit or control peasant farmers or agricultural labourers from migrating to or visiting large metropolitan cities villagers are as free as anyo! ne else to clog up all city life in India with the occasional political rally in fact India probably may not even know how to ban suppress or repress most of the things Communist China does. Hindu traditions were such that as long as you did not preach sedition against the king you could believe anything including saying like the Carvaka that hedonism and materialism were good spiritualism was bunkum and the priestly class were a bunch of crooks and idiots. Muslim and British rulers in India were not too different yes the Muslims did convert millions by offering the old choice of death or conversion to vanquished people and there were evil rulers among them but also great and tolerant ones like Zainulabidin of Kashmir and Akbar who followed his example. India s basic political ethos has remained that unless you preach sedition you can basically say or believe anything no matter how irrational and also pretty much do whatever you please without being bothered too much by government officials. Pakistan s attempts to impose Urdu on Bengali speake! rs led to civil war and secession North India s attempts to impose Hindi on the South led to some language riots and then the three language formula Hindi spreading across India through Bollywood movies instead. China proudly says it is not as if there are no declared non Communists living freely in Beijing Shanghai etc pointing out distinguished individual academics and other professionals including government ministers who are liberals social democrats or even Kuomintang Nationalists. There are tiny state approved non Communist political parties in China some of whose members even may be in positions of influence. It is just that such token parties must accept the monopoly and dictatorship of the Communists and are not entitled to take state power. The only religion you are freely allowed to indulge in is the ideology of the State as that comes to be defined or mis defined at any time by the Communist Party s rather sclerotic leadership processes. Chinese passports During! China s Civil War the Communists apparently had promised Tibet and Xinjiang a federation of republics Mao later reneged on this and introduced his notion of autonomous regions provinces and districts. The current crisis in Tibet reveals that the notion of autonomy has been a complete farce. Instead of condemning the Dalai Lama and repressing his followers a modern self confident China can so easily resolve matters by allowing a Dalai Lama political party to function freely and responsibly first perhaps just for Lhasa s municipal elections and gradually in all of Tibet. Such a party and the Tibet Communist Party would be adequate for a two party system to arise. The Dalai Lama and other Tibetan exiles also have a natural right to be issued Chinese passports enabling them to return to Tibet and their right to return is surely as strong as that of any Han or Hui who have been induced to migrate to Tibet from Mainland China. Such could be the very simple model of genuine autonomy for Tibet and Xinjiang whose native people clearly do not wish to b! e assimilated in the same way as Inner Mongolia and Manchuria. India s federal examples including the three language formula may be helpful. Once Mainland China successfully allows genuine autonomy and free societies to arise in Tibet and Xinjiang the road to reconciliation with Taiwan would also have been opened. Posted in Akbar Buddhism Chiang Kaishek China China s Commonwealth China s History China s Politics China s expansionism China s nationalism China India Relations China Taiwan problem China Tibet problem Communists Confucius Dalai Lama Deng Xiaoping Freedom Hinduism India s Caste Ethnic Problems India s Democracy India s Nationalism India s Politics India s Polity India China relations India Tibet Border Inner Mongolia International Law International politics Manchu nad Mongol Tartars Manchuria Mao Zedong Pakistan s history Political Economy Politics Russia Sinkiang Sun Yatsen Taiwan Tibet World History Xinjiang Zainulabidin . Leave a Reply Name Mail will not be p! ublished Website American Politics Obama Clinton Contest Affects theWorld Blog at . Theme Garland by Steven Wittens and Stefan Nagtegaal. Fair Use Email Readers are welcome to quote from my work under the normal fair use rule but please quote me by name and indicate the place of original publication in case of work that is being republished here. Feel free to introduce yourself. Also I should be grateful to know of any errors. Most Viewed Rajiv Gandhi and the Origins of India s Economic Reform Gold standard etc Fixed versus flexible exchange rates History of Jammu Kashmir American Politics Obama Clinton Contest Affects the World A General Theory of Globalization Modern Terrorism Our Dismal Politics Will Independent India Survive Until To Clarity from Confusion on Indo US Nuclear Deal Milton Friedman on the Mahalanobis Nehru Second Plan John Wisdom Renford Bambrough Main Philosophical Works Understanding China Surrender or Fight War is not a cricket match or Bollywood movie. Can India fight China if it m! ust Introduction and Some Biography No


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